InHingedbyAura WilmingDesperate MeasuresIt’s actually come to this. I mean, I’ve been thinking about this course of action for years — I swear to god, one of these days — But I…Aug 1, 20202Aug 1, 20202
InHingedbyAura WilmingMemories From BottlesThe street is eerily deserted for such a nice spring day. Kids aren’t playing ball. Dogs aren’t being walked. Cars aren’t being washed in…Apr 11, 20204Apr 11, 20204
InHingedbyAura WilmingMemory LaneThe silence hung heavy in the air. The lighthearted banter was long gone. The deep conversations they used to have would never return. She…Jan 11, 20204Jan 11, 20204
InHingedbyAura WilmingI Lost More Lighters This WayHe pulled a silver colored lighter from his pocket and looked at it.Jun 8, 20192Jun 8, 20192
InHingedbyAura WilmingLook What You Made Me DoIn two years, life had gone from absolutely perfect to an absolute shit storm. And none of it was her fault. Not really. She had been the…Jun 1, 20192Jun 1, 20192
InHingedbyAura WilmingSally’s DollShe almost missed it; the Barbie doll left just a couple of inches from the sidewalk. Had the yard not been a shriveled yellow mess, the…Mar 23, 20192Mar 23, 20192
InHingedbyAura WilmingI’m Not ParanoidThey are all looking at me. I know they are. I can feel it. There’s that prickling sensation on my neck you only get when someone’s…Oct 27, 20183Oct 27, 20183
InHingedbyAura WilmingDesired SkinShe moved her finger over his chest, tracing the dark ink. Clean lines, no signs of fading. The tattooed skin didn’t feel any different…Sep 15, 20187Sep 15, 20187
InHingedbyAura WilmingAn Urban Legend Is BornSonia walked slowly into the bathroom, following the sounds of sobbing to the last stall.Jun 16, 20182Jun 16, 20182
Aura WilmingHoneymoonBarry slowly woke with a throbbing headache. He didn’t remember last night being that wild. But somehow he got the mother of all hangovers…Oct 24, 20173Oct 24, 20173
Aura WilmingHotelIt’s funny, no matter how similar swim wear is all over the western world, it’s still so easy to know roughly where tourists come from long…Jul 26, 20172Jul 26, 20172
InThe JunctionbyAura WilmingBloodbath At Lone DiggerAuthors note: For the best experience, watch video before readingJul 11, 20173Jul 11, 20173
InChalkboardbyAura WilmingNor Hell A Fury Like A Woman Scorned.A Millennial NoirMay 31, 20176May 31, 20176
InHingedbyAura WilmingLovers QuarrelIt hurt to smile, but she had to smile anyway when she turned the corner. “Cheeky bastard,” she said with a half laugh. Her grin pulled…Mar 4, 20175Mar 4, 20175
InHingedbyAura WilmingMrs. PearsonThe alarm went off at the ungodly hour of 4:30 am. Nicole opened her bloodshot eyes, and while every part of her wanted to roll over and…Jun 18, 20165Jun 18, 20165