Aura Wilming
2 min readJan 23, 2020


To all of the above, yes, I see where you’re coming from.

But for description purposes, you’re a bit too focused on whether or not it works as intended. There’s a social script for what reassuring sounds like. If you’ve ever hung out in a tech support call enter or any sort of customer service for that matter, I am sure you heard it. When faced with an irate or panicked person, people automatically fall into a certain speech pattern. It’s calm, slow, warm, in the lower registers of whatever voice they happen to have and there’s a melodic rhythm to it. A example of the “reassuring” voice, is the pilot announcements at the beginning of the flight. Do they still do those? It’s the tone that’s supposed to say “Don't worry, I’m in control, I got this” while the words actually say “We’ll be flying for 4 hours, the time when we land is 7:30 and the weather will be a pleasant twenty three degrees.” That voice is needed, because there’s always going to be a few white knuckle fliers.

A fun flair put on the reassuring voice is when people are called in supermarkets. In my youth I have worked in 3 different supermarkets and no one ever trains you on how to call for people over the sound system. But if you need to, you fall into this speech pattern and it’s laid on thick to the point where it’s almost a song. Because you’re announcing a problem to a store full of people, however small it may be, and if anyone panics things will start getting knocked down and you’ll be the one stuck cleaning shit up. So that song is FFS, nobody panic!

And yes, in the thing I send you, it’s fake. We all know it’s fake because it’s actors playing a character in a game. No one would mistake it for being real. As with every form of entertainment it requires a willing suspension of disbelieve.

The Character Caduceus is a grave domain cleric. He has spend all of his life taking care of a holy graveyard and the only interactions he’s had with other people, were people in grief. As a habit, his voice is always in this speech pattern that’s supposed to be reassuring, this clam, low, melodic “everything will turn out all right” song. That’s why, when I couldn’t find the clip I was thinking about, I sent you a literal song.

Whether or not all of this actually works, is an second issue. It often doesn’t. But that’s not stopping anyone from doing it.



Aura Wilming

Writer of fiction, blogs and erotica. Frequency in that order. Popularity in reverse.